JRS delivered the opening keynote at the MTL 1849 Colloque / Symposium in Montréal hosted by Pointe-à-Callière. The conference marked the 175th anniversary of the fire in the Parliament of the Province of Canada in Montréal and included talks from over 20 experts of 19th century Canadian history.

You can read JRS’s opening remarks, which he delivered at the Château Ramezay museum and historic site.

You can learn more about the fire and subsequent riots here or here.

Pointe-à-Callière has also published a book in both French and English about the St. Anne’s Market archaeological site and the historical events that took place there.



April 25, 2024 – JRS speaks at « Colloque MTL 1849 » to mark the 175th anniversary of the Canadian Parliament buildings in Montréal